Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Enduring to the end

Today we drop off Giovanna at school and we headed to Oquirrh Mountain Utah temple to do baptism for Ale's deceased family. I love going to the temple. I feel peace and secure. I feel closer to my Heavenly Father and His Kingdom.

Sometimes it's easy for me to feel discouraged and frustrated with my problems and with things that seem never happen and the blessings that seem never come. It's easier to blame and complain instead of believe and endure.

Going to the temple makes me stronger. It makes me a better believer and a better daughter of God.

Frustration and disappointments don't just fade away. It takes time. It takes a healing process. But it is possible. In hard times I always picture this image in my mind:

When I think my prayers are not being answered and my needs are being totally ignored, I think Heavenly Father, who knows better, is preparing something much bigger, much better for me. He is just waiting for the right time.