Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Just a little break

Today I woke up in the morning and helped Giovanna to get dressed to go to school. When I went to the bathroom I noticed I was bleeding. No pain. No contractions. I called my OB and scheduled an appointment. Fortunately baby is fine, heartbeat is normal and the bleeding seems to be nothing serious. If anything change I have to go back to the doctor.

But I cried. Not only because I was scared and worried about my baby but also because I feel tired, and sad, and frustrated. Because my husband has lost his job, and because his health is compromised. Because we don't have health insurance to find out what he has and, afterwards, to treat him. 

Because we don't have enough money to keep college tuition and pay the bills. And because I still have to find strength to comfort Ale, take care of my four-year old, keep things running around the house, fulfill my church calling and take care of myself and my baby.

Heavenly Father has truly given me strength to overcome these tough times but honestly I'm hoping (and praying) for a little break. Just this time.