Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Family photoshoot

It's been a week since my mom flew back to Brazil after three months with us. It still hurts. She is so loving and caring! We already miss her very much! Giovanna cried at the airport when she finally realized grandma was leaving. It was really sad and it broke my heart into million pieces.

But we had tons of fun together these past three months. She helped on with Giovanna's birthday party, celebrated Halloween with us (even trick-or-treated on her police officer costume), and watched Bianca's blessing. She also went to the kids doctor's appointments and Giovi's school presentation. It's wonderful the fact she can be part of our children's life even living so far. And for that I'm deeply grateful. I'll be posting about our adventures.

Before she left we took some family pictures.

For more pictures click HERE.

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