Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine’s Day 2016

This year I wasn't very excited to celebrate Valentine's. We moved in with the Halls a few weeks ago, and it's been hard since all my kitchen appliances and furniture are in the storage and we have to use their kitchen upstairs. We are all sharing the same room and they have cameras everywhere in the house, including the basement, so it is very uncomfortable.

But I knew how excited Giovanna was to keep our Valentine tradition we have started last year. Besides this was Bianca's first Valentine, so I managed to make this day special. I went to the store and bought really cute Valentine outfits for the girls, and also some things we needed to make our traditional fondue. Since our space this year was limited, I set up a small table close to the fireplace which we turned on to make our celebration cozier.

After putting the girls to sleep Ale and I worked on Valentines gifts for Giovanna's classmates at Montissori. This year we made cute popcorns packs for the kids.

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