Monday, January 22, 2018

Loose baby tooth

Giovanna's front tooth is been wiggling for a few weeks now, and she can't wait for it to fall. She keeps touching it, and talking about it every day. Actually, she's been talking about it since the teeth of her friends from school started to fall out. She would say: "Elsie's tooth fell out. When mine is going to fall out too?", and every few days she would talk about a different friend who had lost a tooth.

Honestly, I don't know how it is going to fall out by itself, because mine NEVER fell out by themselves. Someone always had to pull them out, and I was frighten to let anyone touch it. And because of that by age 12 my teeth were completely crooked, and I had to wear braces for long years - 8 years of treatment to be exact. Even now I deeply dislike going to the dentist.

I just hope I don't have to pull any of Giovanna's teeth. I don't think I could do it.

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