Thursday, July 26, 2018

Pioneer Day 2018

This Pioneer holiday we decided to avoid the heat and the crowd, and drive to North Salt Lake to spend Pioneer day with the Britos. We threw a Brazilian barbecue, played games, talked, and as soon as it got dark we started some fireworks.

I love the fact when we get together we don't need to go all out planning things to make the kids happy. They have fun just by being together. They play for hours and hours, and the adults can talk, laugh, eat, and relax. It's just great! 

The Britos leave in a new construction site, so we found a perfect spot to do the fireworks without bothering the neighbors. In fact other kids from the neighborhood came and joined us. The girls had lots of fun! At least until the mosquitoes started biting all over our legs. Then was time to go back inside.

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