Monday, June 14, 2010

Sealed for eternity

Ale and I got married in September 2008, but our reception only took place two months later, on November 1st. Last Saturday, June 12th, we were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple for time and eternity.

Our sealing was magical. The eternal promises and blessings bestowed upon us if we keep the path of virtue were beautiful. I really felt like a princess in a castle. What a special day! 

Now we are an eternal family with our baby who is on her way. I am five months pregnant, and Ale keeps teasing me saying we got married while I was pregnant.

Abby, the very first child I babysat when I moved to Utah also came to our wedding. I was so happy to see her! She is such a bright and sweet little girl.

My sister carefully handmade my bouquet. They were tulips made of delicate flowered fabrics, and each one of them came accompanied with little bottles of perfume to spray on the flower, which I gave to my guests before they left. Such a lovely idea! Thank you sis! You are amazing!

“The whole aim and purpose of the gospel is to enable men and women- united as one in the Lord- to create for themselves eternal family units in eternity. Celestial marriage prepares us for the greatest joy and happiness known to mortals and for eternal life in the realms ahead”.

- Bruce R. MacConkie 

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