Friday, October 29, 2010

Baby Giovanna is here!

After over nine months waiting to see our baby girl's pretty face, Giovanna was finally induced this morning. She is beautiful and healthy.

I can't believe Halloween is just two days away! When I tell people my nurse was a witch no one believes me. Here is a picture to prove it.

After hours unsuccessfully trying a normal birth, the doctor decided I needed a C-section.

Giovanna came to this world on October 29th at 11:18pm weighing 7 pounds and 55 cm tall. We are so happy and grateful for this new chapter in our lives!

We are also grateful for grandma being here and for all her help.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Maternity photos

Our maternity photos are ready, and I am so excited to share them with you all. 

The photos were taken by our dear friend Mindy Brito at Temple Square in Salt Lake City. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and we had a great time doing these photos. I am so happy we will forever have them to look back as our baby Giovi grows.

Sweet Giovi, 

I hope one day you will enjoy seeing these pictures. I hope you can feel the love in our eyes, and the joy radiating from us for being your parents.

We can't wait to meet you!