Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas 2011

What a beautiful Christmas night we had with the whole family reunited!

Our Christmas Eve was filled with laugh, love, and yummy food. My mom cooked a delicious turkey, Ale baked his famous homemade rolls, and my sister and I helped the kids with the gingerbread house.

Even Santa Claus came to visit us!

On Christmas Day we had banana bread, pancakes, bagels and panetone for breakfast. Then we opened presents. What a fun time of the year!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tutta Nostra Famiglia at Disneyland

I can't believe our family is all together at DISNEYLAND!

My heart is full of happiness and gratitude.

The kids are having a blast. All of us are!

This place is truly magical.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tutta Nostra Famiglia in Vegas

We are in Las Vegas. It's been so much fun here! No matter how many times I come to Vegas, I don't get tired of visiting the same places, and seeing the same things.

Nights have been cold, but days are sunny with beautiful blue sky.

Soon we’ll be heading to California. I can't wait for our next adventure!