Monday, February 21, 2011

Piercing Giovanna’s ears

Today we took baby Giovi to pierce her ears. Ale asked me to record it, but I was so anxious I recorded the whole thing and only realized I hadn't pushed the record button when Giovi's ears had already been pierced. I was only able to film her reaction after the piercing.

She cried a lot, but soon she was happy again. I am not sure if I was happy though. I didn't like the overall experience. Giovanna had her ears pierced at Walmart, and I didn't think the people there were fit for the job. It took too long to mark her ears, they weren't very professional, and I am not even sure if they pierced on the right spot.

BUT she does look really cute with her new earrings.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine’s Day 2011

After a long day of work, Ale and I headed back home for our Valentine celebration. We had dinner, then we opened Valentine gifts, which included the cutest Valentine outfit for baby Giovanna.

Last Saturday, we had a Valentine's lunch at Tucanos Brazilian Grill at The Gateway. I always cook Brazilian food at home, but nothing like a different flavor sometimes.

Happy Valentine's Day!