Monday, April 25, 2011

Road Trip Las Vegas/St George

This past weekend, Ale surprised Giovanna and I with a road trip to Las Vegas. That was baby Giovi's very first trip, and we were so excited to get out of our routine for a little bit.

The road trip was smooth and Giovanna was a happy camper the entire time in the car. The views of the canyons were stunning and the weather was perfect. At night, we took a walk on the Strip to see the Casinos and watch their attractions.

Giovi didn't really enjoy our walk because she slept in the stroller and every half an hour she would wake up crying. We tried to comfort her and tried to see as much as we could.

The next day we headed to visit the Las Vegas Nevada Temple. It was a beautiful morning and baby Giovanna loved the warm and calm environment from the temple. She was smiling the whole time (very different from the night before).

After our little adventure in Vegas we drove to St. George to stay over our friend's family house. I love St. George and I love the Barber family! Baby Giovanna stayed home being spoiled while the Britos/Barbers, Ale and I went shooting. It was a little scary at first, but so much fun!

Our weekend was full of fun, laugh, good food, and good company. Grandma Marylynn and grandpa Gordon are wonderful hosts. Thank you!

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