Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas 2012

 Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

We prepared a special dinner on Christmas Eve, wore our Christmas pajamas vovo Zete made for us, then after dinner Giovanna read all the Christmas cards our family received. She is so cute!

On Christmas day, we were so excited to open gifts, specially our sweet Giovi. Everything is so much more fun with her in our lives!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

The Matute family invited us to celebrate Thanksgiving with them this year. Everybody shared a plate. I prepared mashed potatoes with cheddar cheese.

During the feast we all took turns saying what we were thankful for. I am definitely thankful for our health and our family. I am specially grateful for baby Giovanna who brings so much joy into our lives.

For Black Friday shopping we bought Giovi a brand new kitchen. She loves cooking us delicious food.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Giovanna turns TWO

Our baby girl is two years old, and to celebrate her we threw the most adorable party. This year the theme was Enchanted Forest.

We used lots of cute forest animals, butterflies, sweets, and of course a yummy cake I baked myself!

Giovanna was so happy! She tried some sweets, and played, played, played.

Everybody had a great time! Our baby Giovi got a lot of cute gifts and attention. 

Thank you all for coming and making this cute girl's special day a blast!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

4th anniversary

I can't believe how fast time has gone by, and we are already celebrating our fourth anniversary! Our journey has been amazing with lots of learning and growing. I love our family and this is just the beginning!

We celebrated our anniversary with a special dinner at Texas de Brazil in Salt Lake. We had a wonderful dinner and a wonderful night.