Saturday, January 18, 2014

2014 - Here We Go!

Things have never been easy for Ale and I since we got here in Utah six years ago. Our reality has been school, work, bills, and a beautiful daughter to raise. And although, it might sound fairly normal for newlyweds, our circumstances as international students makes everything harder.

The works restrictions, the amount of school credits, and the limited understanding of how things work in a different country makes our load considerably heavier. BUT we’ve been immensely blessed with constantly help from heavens and its angels here on earth to keep us moving forward in this new busy life.

Sometimes when things get really tough and I feel discouraged, I try to focus on the good, on our family, on the blessings, and on the learning along the way. I remember that despite my trials, I have a loving husband who brings me chocolates and doughnuts to sweeten my day, and a loving three-year old who touches my face and says: "You are so pretty", and "I love you so much".

A good friend of mine once said: "we need to stop thinking about what we don't have, and start being grateful for what we have".

Well, I spent most of 2013 thinking about "how things would've been if", so this year my goal is to count my many blessings; see what God hath done. As hard as it can be, we choose to be happy or sad. We choose how things will affect us. We can't control what other people do to us, but we can control how we will respond to it.

My goal this year is to become MORE. A more understanding wife to Ale, a more patient mother to Giovi, a more caring daughter, sister, and aunt. I want to be a better child of God.

Sooo, 2014 here we go!

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