Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tracy Aviary

Yesterday, I told Giovanna we would be going to see the birds. And guess what was the first thing she asked when she woke up this morning? Never make a promise to a child if you cannot keep it. So, I kept mine and I took her to Tracy Aviary in downtown Salt Lake.

Every Wednesday- November through March- the admission will cost only $1! If you are not a big fun of winter activities you still can enjoy a story time on the visitor center education space at 10:30am.

Today at the story time  we read a book about long-beak feathered friends. Then we met Lacey, a female heron. It was really fun! We saw her flying in the room and eating some fish. Giovanna was so excited!


Tracy Aviary

589 E 1300 S
@ Liberty Park

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