Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What matters most

When I was still in school I didn’t really understood how people would think about marriage right after serving a LDS mission, without a degree, money, housing, or ways to support a family. I couldn't understand either how women from XXI century would choose stay home and raise children over a career. 

After earning my bachelor's degree and improving my English skills an in internship, I was ready to enter the market. But instead, I decided to get married and move to the U.S. Ironically, I got married to a student and started a whole new life with no house, and a very limited budget to support a family.

Ale and I got married in 2008, and one year later we had a baby girl. I turns out I found my place being home, nurturing this little human being.

I've learned so much these past years. The most important thing I've learned is I should always listen to my heart and follow it despite what everybody says. 

Some decisions in life are not easy to make, but trusting in Heavenly Father's guidance I know we can always make the right decisions, and most important to be genuinely happy with them.

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