Tuesday, March 25, 2014

I am sorry. I forgive you.

  • "(...) After several months of marital bliss, a serious disagreement erupted that so hurt the husband emotionally that he could not function at his daily tasks. As he reeled from the impact of this confrontation, he stopped to analyze the problem and realized that at least a part of the problem had been his. He went to his bride and stammered awkwardly several times, ‘I’m sorry, Honey.’ The wife burst into tears, confessing that much of the problem was hers, and asked forgiveness. As they held each other, she confessed that in her experience those words of apology had not been used before, and she now knew that any of their future problems could be worked out. She felt secure because she knew they both could say, ‘I’m sorry’; ‘I forgive’”.
  • “I recall listening at length to a couple who sat across the desk from me. There was bitterness between them. I know that at one time their love was deep and true. But each had developed a habit of speaking of the faults of the other. Unwilling to forgive the kind of mistakes we all make, and unwilling to forget them and live above them with forbearance, they had carped at one another until the love they once knew had been smothered. It had turned to ashes with the decree of a so-called ‘no-fault’ divorce. Now there is only loneliness and recrimination. I am satisfied that had there been even a small measure of repentance and forgiveness, they would still be together, enjoying the companionship that had so richly blessed their earlier years".

Last Sunday on our Marriage & Family Relations class we learned about the healing power of forgiveness. These two stories exemplify how two simple words- Sorry and Forgiveness can make a huge difference and change lives.

This week we should make a list of things we would like to apologize for and give it to our spouse. We also need to pray together, and show gratitude for our spouse and children.

I believe and I testify that by following Heavenly Father's teachings we can strengthen our family relation. It is not an easy task and we need help. I know the Lord is our best help.