Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Missionary Egg Hunt

Yesterday we had the missionaries over for dinner and Family Home Evening. Since last Sunday was Easter, we decided to do an Easter activity with them. We weren't sure if the missionaries could go on an Easter egg hunt so I planned my own version of the Resurrection Eggs.

I filled a bunch of Easter eggs with chocolates. I also put inside them objects that represented the atonement of Jesus Christ and His glorious resurrection. Then I placed them all in a basket. I had the missionaries get as much eggs as they could in a certain amount of time and then open each one of them. Every time they found an object they should explain what that object represented. If the answer was right they would get more chocolates, if  the answer was wrong I would take one chocolate away. It was really fun!

Dear Elder Kennedy and Elder Dos Santos,
Thank you for the good time and for your testimony! 

Would you like to meet with the missionaries?
Click HERE


  1. Hi Luciana ... I'm the sister-in-law of Elder Santos. So nice of you what you done for them. Thanks for sharing this moment, he really love chocolates! Kiss

  2. Oi, Camila! So, are you the one who just had a baby? Ezequiel, right? Elder Dos Santos talks a lot about his family! He deeply loves and misses you all! :)
