Wednesday, June 4, 2014

About the future

From the top of a little tree house I start thinking about my life right now and about my future. I think about all we’ve going through these past few years to keep Ale in school, pay bills, and live legally in this country. I think about goals I would like to accomplish, and where I would like to be ten years from now.

Then I pause for a minute. I pay attention on my surroundings. I close my eyes and I hear the birds chirping, I feel the wind blowing gently on my face bringing a delicious aroma from the trees, the fresh cut grass, and the flowers.

Heavenly Father has never let me down during uncertain times. And if He has created this beautiful world for me to enjoy and be happy, how much more He has in store for me and my future.

I feel peace in my heart. And I feel grateful.

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