Monday, June 30, 2014

Mormon Temples (Ensina-me sobre o templo)

Yesterday I was talking to my family when my niece and nephew asked if they could sing a song for me. I'm so glad my sister recorded it because this video is the type of thing we want to keep forever and watch over and over again.

That is exactly what I'm doing right now and I get emotional every time!

They are singing in Portuguese.

Teach Me About the Temple
(Lynne Perry Christofferson)

I see the light of the temple at night
As it shines it reminds me
I must prepare if I hope to go there
But I need someone to guide me


Please teach me about the temple
Please show me how to prepare
Then all of my life I will try
To be worthy to enter there
Please teach me about the temple
I want to know so that someday I may go

About Mormon temples:

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