Thursday, July 31, 2014

Sick after rain

After playing in the rain with Giovanna, I woke up the next day feeling sick with sore throat, fever, and body ache. I even had to call Ale at work asking him to come back home. I don’t usually get sick, but when I do I feel really bad. 

While he was on his way back home, Giovanna put warm pink socks on my feet, tucked me in, and read me her princess storybook collection. As soon as Ale got home he changed my clothes, gave me medicine, a blessing, put me in bed, and took care of everything while I slept.

I'm grateful for my husband and his priesthood. I'm recovering well. Soon I'll be posting about Ale's 30th birthday!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Mermaid for a day

Guess who wanted to play in the rain with her new mermaid tail today? It was a lot of work to sew it, but I did it! All to make my little memaid happy.

The water was freezing! After a few minutes in the rain Giovi started getting cold. We got back inside, took a warm shower, drank hot cocoa, and in a few minutes Giovi was fast asleep on the couch.

Friday, July 25, 2014


Next Sunday my handsome guy is turning 30!!! And to celebrate his special day I'm preparing a "Three Day Surprise" starting TODAY! Every day I will take him to his favorite place to eat and have him pick one gift to open each day.

Tonight I'm taking him to Lucky 13. After dinner he will pick one of the three gifts Giovanna and I got for him. I'm so excited!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pioneer Day 2014

Today is July24th, the day when the first group of Mormon pioneers reached Salt Lake Valley in the summer of 1847, and Brigham Young, prophet of the church, looked at what was a then a barren, dry desert and declared: “This is the right place”.

Since Ale had to work, Giovanna and I drove to This is the Place to enjoy the festivities. We watched the Pioneer parade, played with water, made crafts, and much more. I was planning to spend just a couple of hours there. We stayed for four hours! It was fun, fun, fun!

At night we drove to Trolley Square in downtown Salt Lake. We had dinner at Old Spaghetti Factory and watched the fireworks.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Festa Junina 2014

I am a Brazilian mom of an American child. She is starting preschool in a few weeks, but I've been homeschooling her in Portuguese. She learns colors, letters, numbers, and fun things about her family's culture.

Last Saturday we celebrated Festa Junina on our Portuguese ward. It was so much fun! Giovanna danced quadrilha, and she danced beautifully!

My mom sewed a traditional dress for her and a matching one for her dolly. So cute!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Days of ‘47 Youth Parade

One of the coolest things about living in Utah is being able to celebrate the pioneers every July 24th.

Last Saturday we participated in the Days of '47 Youth Parade. The Days of '47 theme this year was Pioneers - Pushing towards the Future, and our float theme was "We are pioneers in building our family tree". 

Each child was asked to bring a photo of an ancestor. Giovanna brought a picture of her great grandparents (from my mom’s side) Mercedes and Olavo. The date was printed wrong though.

After the parade, the kids played in the park and ate lunch. It was a beautiful morning!   

Monday, July 21, 2014

FHE with Honcas

This morning Giovanna and I visit different stores to pick some wedding and birthday gifts. We have two weddings and a birthday party coming up. I also took Giovanna to Joann to pick a fabric for her mermaid tail. She's been asking for one for a long time. Since mermaid tails cost about $60 bucks, I decided to sew one. Fabric can be a little pricey too but definitely cheaper than $60.

In the afternoon we headed to Murray to have pizza, pool time, and family home evening with the Britos. We love them! Tales gave us a message about perfection while Giovanna watched "honcas" (Pocahontas) and interrupted him every five seconds.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Church History Museum

Have you ever been to Church History Museum in downtown Salt Lake? It is so cool! They have the cutest kid’s museum on the 2nd floor. Giovanna loves it! We were there a couple of weeks ago.

We also went to Temple Square. Every time we go to downtown Giovanna wants to stop by to say hi to Jesus.

Tomorrow we are taking Giovanna to Days of '47 Youth Parade in the morning, and in the afternoon to Festa Junina- a traditional Brazilian celebration at our ward. She will be dancing quadrilha for the first time. It's going to be so cute!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The day Giovanna ripped my shirt

Giovanna ripped my favorite top my mom sewed for me. I confess I was really, really sad. Who knows me also knows I'm very attached to anything my mom makes for me.

I hope my mom can fix it when she comes back to visit!

Monday, July 14, 2014

St. George- Days 3 and 4

We are back to Salt Lake. Our days in St. George were wonderful, but it's nice to be home. Last Saturday we went to St. George temple while grandma Mary Lynn stayed with the kids. I always learn something new while serving in the temple. I'm grateful for the spirit and guidance I receive there.

After the temple we headed back home to finished watching Persons Unknown, a creepy TV series we started watching I don't remember why and kept watching until the last episode just to see how it would end. It's only one season with thirteen episodes.

On Sunday we just hung out around the house, cooked hamburgers for lunch, and played with the kids.

Friday, July 11, 2014

St. George- Day 2

Today was all about water. We went to the aquatic center in Washington City with the kids and they loved it! The rec center had a huge indoor pool with lots of slides for all ages. I never saw Giovanna so confident in the water!

At night, after putting the girls to sleep, we played Mexican train until 1am.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

St. George- Day 1

We are in St. George! It was a smooth four hour trip with two little children. We got here safe and sound, and we've been enjoying a nice weather with wonderful friends, lots of fun and yummy food. Today we took Giovi and Claire to the water park and we all had a great time.

Later on we went to the sand dune at Snow Canyon. The sand is incredibly soft there. It was a beautiful night! The kids didn't want to go back home.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

World Cup- Brazil x Germany

We are still recovering from a crushing defeat from Germany in the world cup semi-finals. They scored 7 goals and Brasil is out of World Cup 2014- that's being held in Brasil by the way.

 Giovanna had a doctor appointment so we just watched the first half of the game. Personally it was to much for me watching Germany score 5 goals on the first 29 minutes.

Good news is Giovanna is doing great!

And we are going to St. George tomorrow. Hooray!

Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July 2014

I woke up so excited for Fourth of July! In the morning we drove to Sandy city. Every year they have concerts, food, fire truck ladder demonstration, and lots of inflatables. Giovanna had a blast and played to her heart's content.

 In the afternoon we drove down to Lehi and had a wonderful time with the Matute Family. We love them and we are grateful for their friendship! We also watched Brasil x Colombia world cup quarterfinals. That explains why Ale is wearing a Brazil soccer jersey on 4th of July.

We all had so much fun! We ate good food, the kids played all afternoon, we watched the fireworks, and roasted marshmallows.