Friday, August 22, 2014

Preschool Photo shoot

Giovanna started Preschool three weeks ago and she is loving it! Because she has to wake up early sometimes she gets there a little grumpy, but every time I pick her up she runs to me with a big smile and very excited. I can tell she had a good day.

First day of school has always been a big deal in my family. My mom, my sister and I used to do back-to-school shopping together. Then my mom would sew new clothes for us and buy new sneakers at DIC. I am not sure if the store still exists, but I remember we used to get a ball with the purchase of each shoe, and we loved it. Plus the shoes smelled like bubblegum.

Years later I still keep this little tradition and make a fuss about school year! We bought a new backpack and new outfits for Giovanna. On the first day of Preschool I took her for a special lunch and gave her a gift. I think is important to make the first day (and last) of school special.

I also had promised myself I would do a little photo shoot session to celebrate her first day of preschool, but I just had time today. Look how cute her pi

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