Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Blackridge Reservoir

I've been living in Utah for five years already and I've never been to Blackridge Reservoir in Herriman until couple of weeks ago when I got an invitation to meet some moms from LLL (La Leche League) playgroup. 

After picking up Giovi from school we headed to the reservoir. The weather and water were really nice, and we had a good time getting to know new people and making new friends.

Giovanna didn't swim, but she played with the ducks in the water. Her and the little ducklings were having a great time until Giovi decided to get a stick and throw on them. Mama duck got angry at her for scaring her little ducklings with the stick. 

Look at this picture of angry mama duck quacking at Giovi, and her poor ducklings leaving the scene. It was so funny!

Then Giovi started getting tired, and we both agreed it was time to go home.

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