Friday, October 24, 2014

Birthday prep- Part II

Ale and I have been working all day today for Giovanna's birthday party tomorrow. We woke up early and while Ale went out to buy some last minute stuff I needed, I started baking Giovi's cake. I like baking her birthday cakes myself.

Two o'clock sharp we were at the club house to decorate it. We stayed there until 6pm. Then we came back home and I started frosting the cake. I have no idea what I did wrong, but the filling started melting everywhere, AND the top of the cake broke in half!.

At that point it was already late and I was exhausted. I sat down with no clue of what to do. Then I looked around the kitchen and Ale was doing the dishes at 10:30pm. He has helped me all day running around, carrying boxes, driving to stores, cleaning, and making me laugh (he knows I get super stressed out with birthday parties). I love him very much, but in days like this I love him even more!

Lots of things have been done already. All the rest can be figured out tomorrow.

Good night!

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