Friday, October 3, 2014

Giovanna swallows her brinco

Giovanna swallowed one of her earrings last night. I had just put her in bed while Ale was at school when she woke up crying. I went to her room and she said she had swallowed her brinco

First I panicked, then I gave her LOTS of water, then I called Ale who came back home right away. We asked Giovanna what she had swallowed and she said it was only the earring back (the rubber kind). When Ale got home he gave her a priesthood blessing. If we had medical insurance I'd have taken her in just to make sure everything was all right.

 I confess I went to bed feeling so sad and discouraged about our circumstances. Then I cried myself to sleep.

**For those who will be watching General Conference this weekend, I hope you'll receive the answers you've been waiting for. May we all be comforted and uplifted.

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