Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Giovanna talks to Jesus

There are two things Giovanna knows for sure:

1- Jesus lives in heaven. 
2- Heaven is right at Temple Square North Visitors Center.

Every time she needs to talk to Jesus or tell Him a secret she makes me drive her there. Sometimes she tells me what they talked about, sometimes she doesn’t.

Last Saturday she wanted to talk to Jesus again. She told me she asked Him for a sibling. She is ready to be a big sister. She is a loving, caring little girl. I'm sure she will be a wonderful big sissy when the right time comes.

I am so proud of her for knowing she always can communicate with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. She is an example for us in so many ways. Sometimes she is the one who invite us to do family prayer and family home evening.

Thank you baby girl for your example. We are so lucky to be your parents!

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