Thursday, November 20, 2014

Story of our Life - Part I

In a couple of months this blog will celebrate its first anniversary! Here I talk about our days as family, our struggles, our faith, and our testimony of Jesus Christ.

As I have mentioned a few times before Ale is doing his genealogy. Every day he finds new names, places and documents about his ancestors. Part of his ancestors migrated from Italy to Brazil, and from Brazil to the United States a long time ago. Just like them Ale and I decided to migrate overseas about five years ago, and I will share our story with you.

My graduation party- December 2005

Year of 2003- I was on my fourth semester of Journalism in Brazil when Ale went to the U.S to serve an LDS mission. During that time we exchanged emails, and when he went back home we started dating. 

Two years later- Our first date was over my house in Taboão da Serra, São Paulo. I invited him for lunch. I don't really remember what we talked about. I just remember I wanted to kiss him that day, but it didn't happen.

First kiss- After our first date we kept talking on the phone and seeing each other. One night when we met at an Institute activity I asked for a gum. He said he just had one we could share, so he put half of it in his mouth and made me go for the other half.

Boyfriend-  We did everything together and even talked about the future.

Back to the U.S- 
Ale went back to the U.S in 2006 to start school and I stayed in Brazil. During that time I traveled to Chile for the second time and prepared myself to start AuPair in America program.

Our story will continue on the next posts. :)