Thursday, December 25, 2014

We are pregnant!

Ale and I have been trying to get pregnant for the past two months. A few weeks ago I took a pregnancy test and it was positive! I was so excited to tell Ale, but instead I put the pregnancy test inside the red baby knit bottie that belonged to Giovanna, and I hung it at our Christmas tree.

I had hopes that Ale would pass by and notice it. I wanted to surprise him. Everyday I would get anxious for him to finally see it, but he didn't. So on Christmas day, I told him there was something special on the tree that he was supposed to find.

Giovi helped him look for it, and when they found it they were SO happy! We are all so happy to have a new addition to our family!

Baby #2 is on the way! Due: August 22nd

Merry Christmas!

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