Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day 2015

I am excited to share our new Valentine tradition. From now on we will celebrate this sweet occasion with CHOCOLATE! I don't know why I haven't thought about it before! Every year we will use our chocolate fountain to make fondue. 

Giovanna already loves our new tradition! But, of course, before stuffing our faces with chocolate, we had a wonderful dinner at Chilli's.

Then we exchange valentine's gifts. Giovanna got a brand new tent, mom got beautiful flowers, and daddy delicious chocolate.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

First Prenatal Visit

Today we had our very first prenatal visit to see how our baby #2 is doing. She/he is so active! We heard baby’s heartbeat and saw images of her/him moving her/his little body. 

Mommy is 12 weeks pregnant, and we can’t tell the sex of the baby yet. Daddy thinks it is a boy and mommy thinks it is another princess.

We are so excited to meet our baby! Giovanna can’t wait to finally have a little buddy to play with.