Saturday, March 14, 2015

Back to Life

I know I've been posting in a monthly bases, but my absence is due to the fact I don't feel like writing (or pretty much doing anything), besides sleep. Fortunately - slooowly - I'm coming back to my normal activities.

Baby is still doing fine and Giovanna is loving the idea of having a little brother or sister. She talks about it all the time! It's cute. Daddy is excited to find out the baby's sex next month and he's hoping for a boy - of course! But we'll be happy with another little girl.

Besides enjoying our baby and getting ready for his/her arrival, we've been busy working, studying and having some fun. 


Have you noticed we barely had winter this year? 

A few weeks ago we had our first (and only) snowfall of the season. We enjoyed it taking Giovanna to sled at Sugar House Park. They have the best sledding hills there! We also built a snowman and played snowball fight.

Now we are just excited for Spring and Summer.