Monday, April 6, 2015

185th Annual General Conference

As always the messages from General Conference have deeply touched my heart.
I'm grateful for the teachings of the prophets that help me to be a better daughter of God. 
I am not perfect. I am far from that. But I know I can be perfected through Jesus Christ.

Here is my favorite highlight from the April 2015 General Conference:

Elder M. Russell Ballard

Please ponder in your heart the answer for these questions:
 Do you study the scriptures regularly?
Do you kneel in prayer and talk to your Heavenly Father each morning and each night?
Do you fast and donate fast offer each month, even if you are a poor, struggling student who can't afford to donate much?
Do you think deeply about the Savior and His atoning sacrifice for you when you are asked to bless, pass or partake of the sacrament?
Do you attend your meetings and strive to keep the Sabbath Day holy?
Are you honest at home, school, church and work?
Are you mentally and spiritually clean? Do you avoid viewing pornography or at websites, magazines, movies, apps or photos that would embarrass you if your parents, church leaders or the Savior Himself saw you?
Are you careful with your time avoiding inappropriate technology and social media, including video-games which can dull your spiritual sensitivity?
And is there anything in your life you need to change or fix beginning tonight?

I treasure this talk and these questions in my heart, and I promise myself to work hard every day to always positively answer each one of them.

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