Tuesday, May 12, 2015

25 Week Visit

Pregnancy is progressing well.
Today I took the glucose test and we talked a little bit about the baby deliver.
It seems the healthier way to bring my beautiful girl into this world would be through a C-section, because of my previous pregnancy experience. I confess I was looking for a vaginal delivery.

Although I am felling a little disappointed, my OB was really understanding and thoughtful. He told us all we could do to make my experience more 'natural' as possible, and I got off the hospital feeling much more confident and happy.

I am so excited to finally have my little princess in my arms!

Look how cute and perfect she is:

We also took Giovanna to the doctor yesterday. How big was our surprise when the doctor said she had a severe ear infection (again)! She is such a wonderful girl. Although she's been not acting quite herself these past days, she's been so happy and good.

I love her so much, and I feel blessed and honored for being her mama.