Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day

This year we celebrated Father's Day with a hand crafty gift to our big daddy! We made a salt dough handprint. Giovanna and I had a lot of fun doing it and daddy simply loved it!

It would've been easier picking a gift from the store, but I really want to teach my kids to spend time working on something special for their loved ones, and think about them during the process.

{Notice is missing a s on Father's Day which I fixed later}

Now we are planning on doing a footprint one when our baby is born.

If you like it and want to try, the recipe is super simple! Here is how we did it:


1 cup flour
1 cup salt
1/2 cup water 

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. You can judge if you think you need a little more water. It should be a similar consistency to play dough. Shape it into whatever you want, get your kid's foot/handprint into the dough, and with a knife write your message. Bake it at about 200F (100C) for 3 hours.

(The bottom of ours was still a little moist so we turned it upside down and bake it for another hour).