Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Giovanna has a lot of energy, which means by the end of the day I'm exhausted. She's always up to something, even at meal times she finds a way to play with the silverware or napkins on the table. And when she gets tired, well... she gets more active and louder.  So in order for me to have a quiet time, I put her in quiet time where she sits down and reads a book QUIETLY.

When bedtime comes I laid down next to her and I sing a song. She closes her eyes and snuggles. At that moment I start to think about our day. Did I give her enough attention? Did we have a quality time together? Did I use soft words and actions? Did I ensure she felt loved and secured? 

I'm glad to say that most of the days I feel accomplished as a mother. I feel peace in my heart and I feel confident I'm doing a good job. I'm doing God's work and He is the center of our home.