Tuesday, July 7, 2015

5 ways fathers influence their daughters

Today I was reading a really cool article about fathers and daughters relationship.
Sometimes I wonder if fathers around the globe realize their important role in their daughters' life.

The article starts:

“Fathers bring something very different to the table—many things that mothers can’t. The biggest mistake dads make is not understanding their significance.”

And continues:

"Without question, fathers are a powerful influence on both sons and daughters—an influence that reaches well beyond the roles of provider and protector. And as new studies emerge, it’s becoming clearer just how deeply the father-daughter relationship can affect a woman throughout her life in a variety of ways, including self-confidence, body image, education, career, and romantic relationships".

Unfortunately I wasn't raised by a loving father, and although I have always had the most wonderful mother, I think having the positive influence of a father would've made a huge difference in many sectors of my life. 

I'm grateful for the opportunity I had of giving my daughters a father that loves, cares and nurtures them.

You can read the entire article HERE.