Monday, July 27, 2015

Happy Birthday to our big daddy!

Today my handsome husband turns 31.

As I write this post I lay down in the couch with my feet up. They hurt. It was a long, long day.
In the morning we woke up dad to sing happy birthday and give him his present - a brand new computer! Then I started to work on his birthday cake. 

We went out for lunch and when we came back I kept working on the cake. I also made some Brazilian esfihas. Yum! The day before I had invited some friends to come over to celebrate with usSo later on today they rang the bell and surprised Ale.

 We ate, played some games and sang happy birthday. It was so nice and fun! I'm so happy and I feel so blessed for having him as my eternal companion. He is such a gift in our lives.

We love you big daddy!
Happy Birthday!