Thursday, July 23, 2015


Remember Giovanna's 1st deposit? We are always putting some money on her piggy bank, and lately she's been asking to buy stuff with her money. When we go to the store and she sees something she likes, she says: "Oh, no! I forgot to bring my money!".  I think she finally realized that she can actually use the money to get things. 

Today we went to Costco and they have the cutest costumes for kids. I don't know why in the world they already have costumes for Halloween if we are still in the middle of July. Of course Giovanna asked for one.

 So I let her use her money to buy it and I took the chance to teach her a little lesson about finances. I think it is important for her to know how money works and how to be responsible and make the right choices. Apparently she was very confident about what she wanted and got really happy with her very first purchase.`