Monday, August 24, 2015

Baby Bianca is here!

After taking one week break I am back to finally introduce you our beautiful daughter Bianca.

Last Sunday I taught my last class for the youth. We talked about Family and Marriage. It was really spiritual, reassuring my own role as a mother and helping me focus and stay calm for my baby delivery next day.

Then on Monday Ale, my mom, Giovanna and I headed to the U hospital in the morning. The doctors and nurses were great. My surgery was quickly and painless, and I'm recovering well.

 Baby Bianca is wonderful. She is so sweet and smart. She already smiles and lifts her head up! Our home is filled with life, love, peace and positive energy.

Giovanna is in love with her little sister. She plays with her, gives her bottle and helps changing her diaper. She is such a good helper and adores her little sister very much.

She did great in the hospital when she had to sleep there. She didn't complain and she was - and has been - very, very understanding about my recovery.

My mom is still in town helping us and making us company. I'm so grateful for having her here! Actually I'm grateful for my life, my family and everything Heavenly Father has given me.

Being a mom and having the power of giving birth are the most sacred and precious gift a woman could ever receive, and I feel very fulfilled with my calling.

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