Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

On this Thanksgiving day I am grateful for so many things and so many blessings I have received. But I have no words to even start describing how grateful I am for the peace me and my family can enjoy. The world is not a safe place and some people are capable of terrible things.

I am grateful for being able to drive my kid to school, take a walk in the park in a sunshine day, sleep peacefully in my bed, and have little joys this earth can still offer. These things are rare in these days.

I am grateful for my health, my loving husband and my incredible children.
They are the light of my life!

I am also thankful for my mom who taught everything I know and for helping me to become who I am. I am thankful for my beautiful sister Carol, my niece and nephew Bia and Lucas, and for my awesome brother-in-law Alexandre. Life wouldn't be the same without you guys!

Lastly I am grateful for the difficulties of life that make me stronger.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Our traditional Thanksgiving with the Matutes!

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