Thursday, November 19, 2015

Just us girls

Yesterday I got really sad news about an acquaintance who passed away after fighting a cancer for four years. His name was Marshall, and his wife used to be Ale's co-worker. I broke down in tears (even though I didn't know him) because I can't imagine how hard can be losing someone like that.

Our hearts and prayers go out to his family.

 Tonight Ale is flying to San Francisco to get some documentation in order. Since I'll stay home with the kids I am planning a living room camp out with movie and hot chocolate. I'm sure Giovanna will love the idea. She loves any reason to throw pillows, blankets and stuffed animals on the floor and watch to her princesses movies.

Then I have ambitious plans for tomorrow: run some errands with my two girls. Heavens help me and let's pray for Ale to come back soon.

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