Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Bianca is 6 months old

Bianca is turning six months old today! Hooray! And to celebrate it we dressed her with the same dress baby Giovanna wore for her six-month birthday. We also bought the same carrot cake we bought to Giovi four and a half years ago.

Bianca smashed her cake as soon as we put it in front of her. I think she likes the texture. She has strong hands and she is very determined. She reminds me a lot of her dad.

Watching this video of baby Giovanna I wonder why we didn't take the cake out of the box for her. Poor baby... silly first time parents!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine’s Day 2016

This year I wasn't very excited to celebrate Valentine's. We moved in with the Halls a few weeks ago, and it's been hard since all my kitchen appliances and furniture are in the storage and we have to use their kitchen upstairs. We are all sharing the same room and they have cameras everywhere in the house, including the basement, so it is very uncomfortable.

But I knew how excited Giovanna was to keep our Valentine tradition we have started last year. Besides this was Bianca's first Valentine, so I managed to make this day special. I went to the store and bought really cute Valentine outfits for the girls, and also some things we needed to make our traditional fondue. Since our space this year was limited, I set up a small table close to the fireplace which we turned on to make our celebration cozier.

After putting the girls to sleep Ale and I worked on Valentines gifts for Giovanna's classmates at Montissori. This year we made cute popcorns packs for the kids.

Monday, February 8, 2016


Today was Giovanna's first day of Montessori. She was very excited with the new school and to make new friends. She misses Mrs Jean's class tough. One of these days she sent Giovanna a letter with news from Preschool and a CD with photos she took while Giovi was attending her classes.

Montessori is a nice school and I love their method. I am sure it will be great for Giovanna!

Monday, February 1, 2016

Bianca eats for the first time

Bianca is five months and she's been waking up several times through the night. My mom suggested to start giving her solids, specially before bedtime in case she was crying because she was hungry. So today I gave her first rice cereal. My baby girl loves food! She was so happy and excited! Everybody had a turn feeding her!

I cooked and pureed a bunch of veggies and fruits for her. Then I frozen them all in ice cub trays.