Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Happy Birthday Ale!

The love our lives turns 33 today! We celebrated it with a nice picnic at the park. July is a perfect month to be outside! Thank you all for coming!

We had Brazilian salgados - coxinha, bolinha de queijo, esfihas, and cake. Yummy!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Bianca is 11 months old

My princess Bianca is eleven months old! She is so beautiful and happy! It's been so fun watching her grow and develop. I love her personality! She is so sweet and so determined too! 

I feel extremely blessed for being her mama, and I can't wait for us to become best friends!

I love you Bianca! With all my heart!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Cow Appreciation Day

Today Chick Fil A was offering free meal for everybody who showed up at the restaurant dressed as a cow. I wasn't sure if the staff would give us free meal since our costume wasn't very convincing, BUT arriving at our local Chick Fil A we found a lot other people who had the same idea as us- cut black and white paper spots and stick to our clothing.

We got our free meal after all and we had a lot of fun.

Happy Cow Appreciation Day!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Fourth!

Happy Independence day to those who like me love and appreciate this country, and are grateful for the sacrifice brave worriers made to give us the freedom we enjoy every day.

 This holiday we headed to the America's Freedom Festival in downtown Provo. Every year they have a big festivity. Then we spend the evening with the Matutes in Lehi.