Monday, August 22, 2016

Giovanna's first day of Kindergarten

We have moved twice only this year- from Salt Lake to Alpine, then from Alpine to Orem. While living in Salt Lake Giovanna used to go to a preschool in South Jordan. When we moved to Alpine the commute became impractical so we enrolled her in a Montessori school near to where we lived.

We thought the transition would be hard on her, but the Montessori program is amazing. She loved it! She studied there until July when we moved to Orem. The timing was perfect and in August she started Kindergarten. 

When I called the school they asked me if I wanted to enroll her on the immersion program in Spanish. She would be part of the very first group of students to start immersion in Kindergarten. They usually start on 1st grade. 

I remember when the office called me offering the spot I wasn't prepared to give them an answer. I actually had not even thought about it because they had put her on a waiting list. Then I thought they would never call me. But they did. And I said yes.

So off my baby went to her very first day of Kindergarten. Six hours away from mommy.
Funny thing I was the one who cried and counted the minutes to pick her up.

She came back home so happy, telling us all about what she had learned and the friends she had made. What a big girl!

We love you Giovanna. You make us proud everyday!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Bianca turns one

My baby girl is turning one! She is so smart and active! She has a strong personality, but is also really loving. She is daddy's girl no doubt! She loves to eat and eats everything. She is a happy healthy baby and the light of our lives!

Happy Birthday baby girl! We love you more than words can express.


We threw a picnic themed party for her at the Nielson's Groven Park. I love the fact she was born on summer so we can plan outdoor birthday parties. I never could with Giovanna because she was born in October.

All our friends came to help celebrate our little princess. The kids played games and ate lots of yummies. Bianca opened her presents and was super excited with every single one of them.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Moving updates

Today we said goodbye to Alpine and moved to Orem. I was happy to finally move to our own place. It wasn't easy to find one, but Heavenly Father has blessed us with a wonderful three bedroom condo. I am sure we will be really happy here.

Our first meal at our new place was a frozen lasagna and frozen garlic bread. My kitchen appliances are still in the boxes and I can't cook yet.

We are all very excited about this new chapter of our lives.