Monday, November 28, 2016


Our family was so excited to watch the new Disney movie Moana- by family I mean me. I've enjoyed Disney movies since I had my first child. Plus, I love their motion, their colors and their songs! :)

I confess that as soon as Moana was available online every time our family wanted to watch a movie I would shout out: Let's watch Moana! And so we did... 152 times!

My favorite scenes are the one Moana talks to her grandma in the middle of the ocean, and the end scene when Moana fights Te Fiti.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

On this Thanksgiving day we are grateful for homemade chocolate chip pumpkin cookies for breakfast.

We are also thankful for our family, our health, our home, and this country. We are specially thankful for Heavenly Father and His power of deliverance.

Today we are driving to Lehi to spend our traditional Thanksgiving feast with the Matute Family. We are also so grateful for them!

I made delicious homemade chocolate chip pumpkin cookies for them. I know they love it!

The food was delicious and we had a wonderful time as always. We just might have overeaten a little.

Ale and I after Thanksgiving feast:

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Tracy Aviary

Today I packed some snacks, I took the girls and drove to Salt Lake to see the birds at Tracy Aviary. It was a long drive from Alpine, but I needed to get out of the house and just have a fun day with my girls. It wasn't so cold in Salt Lake, and the sunny day helped to warm our bodies. 

First we watched a bird show. Bianca and Giovanna loved when the birds started to fly right above their heads. Then we explored the rest of the aviary.