Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas 2016

Guess who came to celebrate Christmas with us this year? Vovo Zete!!!

It is always so exciting when my mom comes! It is hard not to have her around more often. We miss her presence, her hugs and the way she takes care of us. When she is here my mug of hot cocoa is always ready when I wake up and so are the kids meals when they wake up from their naps.
My mom is so special! She is beautiful, loving and caring.

Christmas usually makes me miss my family even more. So when my mom said she was coming I started jumping up and down! This year she sewed these cute Christmas pajamas for all of us!

Every year we have a special dinner on Christmas eve. We take family pictures, we build gingerbread house and stay up late watching Christmas movies. When it's bedtime the girls leave cookies and milk for Santa and his reindeers.

 Then on Christmas day we ran to the tree to see if Santa stopped by and left some presents, which usually happens because every year we try our best to be good.

This year the girls got this beautiful house the whole family helped to make. It goes over the table, so the girls can bring their toys and kitchen stuff and play house. It has windows on the sides and a typical Brazilian varal to hang clothes. It is the most darling thing ever!

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