Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Last day of a long journey

Since 2009 we have worked so hard to make this moment happen. We worked so hard to keep you in school, to keep you focused, to keep you on going, and on you went.

First obstacle we encountered was money to pay for tuition and bills- you got a job.

Second obstacle was having someone close to us make you lose your job, then be (almost) kicked out of school- you kept studying.

Third obstacle was having to deal with an evil/jealous someone firing you for no reason after being an exceptional employee for over four years- you got help.

Fourth obstacle was when your helper decided not to help you anymore but instead make your life even harder- you overcame.

Then you made calls,
Scheduled appointments,
Filled out forms,

And you did it.

We are proud of you, big daddy!
And we love you forever.

Lu, Giovi and Bianca

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