Monday, June 26, 2017

San Francisco 2016

Last September we took a quick get away to the beautiful San Francisco. I have always loved this city since I was a little girl. I always dreamed that one day I would skateboard down its hills. 

I didn't get to skateboard this time though but I sure enjoyed everything else the city has to offer. We left Salt Lake really early in the morning, and arrived in San Francisco a few hours before our hotel check in time so we decided to drive around a little and see some sights.

The kids were incredibly good. They slept most of the flight, didn't complain they were tired or hungry or even having to get in and out of the car zillion times to take pictures. It was perfect!

Our first stop was at the Palace of Fine Arts. Its architecture is beautiful and it is such a peaceful place. We let the kids run and play for while. We all had a good time. Worth the stop!

From there we headed to the famous Golden Gate Bridge. Ale was so excited to show us this sight because he had been there a while ago without us. The excitement was justified. The Golden Gate Bridge is magnificent, and the view from there is breath taking.

- But before we get there, one quick stop to take a classic picture!

I have to highlight how great the kids were. Between one stop and another they were happy in the car coloring, eating snacks and checking the map every now and then.

Golden Gate Bridge :)

It was cloudy and a bit chilly but we still had lots of fun! We even enjoyed taking a hundred pictures on the wind...

After GGB the kids were ready to have a decent meal and head to the hotel.

 Day #2 - Thanks goodness the kids were exhausted and had a good night sleep. I needed the kids to wake up happy and rested since we would check out the hotel and spend all day going to places until was time to take the airplane back home.

First thing we did was driving to the General Consulate of Italy to get my papers going for my Italian citizenship. That was actually the main reason why we flew to San Francisco.

 Once we got it done we were free to go on our weekend get away! We changed our clothes in the car and headed to the Painted Ladies. Unfortunately the Alamo Square Park was closed for renovations. Otherwise we would have spent more time there.

Next stop was Lombard Street. This is one of the main attractions in San Francisco so it is always packed, which means it is a though job to find a parking spot. We were lucky to get there right when  someone was leaving.

Also from up there we have a good view of Alcatraz.

By the time we finish Lombard Street our tummies were growling. We drove to Fisherman's Wharf to have lunch. Fisherman's Wharf is another famous attraction in San Francisco. 

 And so is the Pier 39. It was another cloudy (but fun) day.

Once our tummies were happily full and after buying some cute souvenirs to take home, we jumped in the car and headed to this place I was looking forward to go: Moraga Steps. The reason why I wanted to go there is because I am fascinated with mosaics. Moraga Steps is a 163 mosaic steps hand-made by more than 220 neighbors in the area. It is a beautiful surprise in a completely ordinary neighborhood.  

P.S.: If you are driving there be aware where you park your car. One of the residents pointed out that some mean people sometimes steal cars there while tourists are climbing the stairs.

For our last stop we took the girls to the Golden Gate Park. They were SO nice and patient during this trip we though they deserved some playground time. Golden Gate Park is huge and beautiful, and fun for the whole family. If you are traveling to San Francisco specially with your little ones, make sure to not miss this spot.

 They played until their hearts content then it was time to go home. This trip was beyond perfect!
A BIG shout out to my dear husband who did absolutely everything to please me and make sure we visited all the places I had on our list.

I will always remember our moments there with joy in my heart.

And this is us 5 minutes after the airplane took off

Tip #1 The time of your flight matters! We flew to San Francisco early in the morning, so we had to wake up extra early to be at the airport on time. Because of that the girls slept most of the flight. Then we schedule our return late afternoon. After playing all day they were tired enough to sleep the whole time.
Tip #2 Snacks and games on the go! What really helped to entertain the girls in the airplane, in the car and at the hotel was snacks and some small toys and coloring books. You can take snacks with you as long as they are dry or liquids not bigger than 100ml. For coloring books and such you can find cool stuff at the dollar store.
Tip #3 Don't forget to involve your kids. We would always talk to our 5 year old about the places we were going to before hand. That allowed us to get her excited, curious and make her really wanted to go there, instead of just make her go. Giovanna talks more about our trip to San Francisco than our trip to Disneyland.
Tip #4 Pack a coat. The coldest months in San Francisco (believe or not) are June, July and August. September and November usually offer the warmest temperatures. Even though we traveled in September the weather was COLD! Besides, San Francisco is always windy! 

**Fill free to share tips and some of your own experiences in San Francisco, California!

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