Thursday, July 6, 2017

4th of July and an itchy body

Every 4th of July I reflect about my life. I think about my decision to get married and to move to the U.S years ago. I think about everything we did and went through to keep Ale in school (and keep our legal status in the country). I think about my kids I gave birth here. And I think about what is going to happen once Ale's work permit expires next year. Will we stay? Will we go? And if we go, would it be fair to the girls? Take them away from their land?

This 4th of July I had mixed feelings about our life and our future. But despite all challenges we had and have to face, we have such a beautiful life. And for that I thank this country.

Our 4th was filled with laugh, pool time, barbecue, dance and fireworks in a company of good friends. I was glad (and lucky) we were among friends when I started itching all over my body right after the pool! They were so nice to me! -Thank you guys!

It turned out I've been having chlorine reactions these past few days. Every time I go to the pool my body immediately starts to itch, get red and get hives (lots of hives). 

An hour later after a couple of claritin, and a lot of itch stopping cream and ice pack I was fine, and we all set down to watch the fireworks.

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