Monday, August 7, 2017

Cooking Class - Part II

Guess who joined us today on our cooking class? Daddy and Bibi!

We made Taco Salad, and Peanut Butter Banana on a stick for dessert. Then we talked about effective ways to communicate positively as a family. I usually take the children to places a lot, but I love when Ale can participate in activities like this with us. Gladly other dads showed up today, so Ale didn't feel awkward being the only one.

Bianca also had a great time. She is such a happy soul!

Taco Salad - Serves 6

1 medium onion, chopped
2 cups frozen corn
2 large tomatoes, diced
1-15 once kidney or pinto beans, drained and rinsed
1 cup cooked brown rice
1-2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp dried oregano
1/4 cup cilantro chopped
1/2 cup of salso
1 head romaine lettuce, chopped
Crumbled tortilla chips
Shredded cheese
Lime wedges
Sour Cream or Greek yogurt (optional)

1. Heat a small amount of water in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat.
2. Add onion and corn and cook until the onion begins to soften and brown, about 5 minutes.
3. Remove from heat and add diced tomatoes, beans, rice, chili powder, and oregano. Stir to combine.
4. Serve with lettuce, cilantro, tortilla chips, and cheese. Top with lime juice, salsa, and sour cream/Greek yogurt, if desired.

Peanut Butter Banana on a Stick

1 banana, peeled
Peanut butter
Toppings: mini chocolate chips, nuts, coconut, etc.
Popsicle stick

1. Cut banana in half and stick on pospsicle stick.
2. Cover with peanut butter and roll in toppings.
3. Refrigerate on wax paper to stiffen, if desired.

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