Thursday, August 24, 2017

Latin Festival

A few days ago we attended a Latin Festival in Saratoga Springs, Utah.

With so many controversy, misunderstanding and disagreements going on in the US right now, I feel blessed for being who I am, and confident to teach my children to be proud of their heritage, and never feel ashamed of it. 

In Brazil we have our own culture, slightly different from other countries in South America, but we respect and relate in so many ways to our Latin friends. I specially love their dance and their music, and I want my children to love it too.

That night we watched beautiful performances and ate some typical foods. My husband really likes their food, and so does Bianca. Giovanna and I are a little picky. 

Ale had pupusas (corn tortilla stuffed with a savory filling accompanied by spicy coleslaw). The kids liked it too. 
I had empanadas, a yummy stuffed bread with meat, cheese and eggs. My favorite!

Watch how beautiful they dance:

We have a very similar dance on the Southern region of Brazil. 

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