Monday, August 28, 2017

Temple Challenge

Two years ago Elder Neil L. Anderson invited the youth "to prepare as many names for the temple as baptisms you perform in the temple, and help someone else to do the same".

Last Sunday Ale and I had the opportunity to extend the same invitation to our youth class (we teach Sunday school class ages 16-17). As we explained about Family History and the Spirit of Elijah, we felt compelled to challenge them to find their family's names and take them to the temple. I also challenge myself to do my genealogy and make ordinances in behalf of them.

Ale has been teaching me how to use Family Search, and helping me to find my ancestors. He found 3 generations of them overnight; it was awesome! I was surprised, and emotional, and grateful! It takes a lot of patience, but we truly feel love and tenderness when we do this sacred work.

I would like to extend this humble invitation to you to watch this video, and start your own Family History, along with my testimony that the Spirit of Elijah, which is a manifestation of the Holy Ghost bearing witness of the divine nature of the family, rests upon each one of us -- members and no members of the church. I know there are so many people excited and patiently waiting to be remembered and have sacred ordinances performed for them. In the name of Jesus Christ.

If you would like to accept this humble invitation, please click HERE and follow the steps.

I hope you find joy on this beautiful work.

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